New Life-How does a new human life begin?

Kumar Teyung
3 min readJul 23, 2020


The female and male reproductive systems are designed to create a new life.A human life begins during a process known as fertilization (conception),in which two highly specialised “germ cells “(gametes)-spermatozoon from Male and oocyte from female -unite and give rise to a new organism, “zygote “.The male reproductive system works together to produce and release semen into the female reproductive system during sexual intercourse.

Male reproductive system:-

The Male reproductive system consists of the two testes, the duct system, the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland ,and the penis. Penis and testicles from the external genitalia and other organs are internal ones.The testes produce a hormone called testosterone, which produces the male gamete,or sperm. The duct system is made up of the epididymis (a set of coiled tubes-one for each testicle) and the vas deferens,a muscular tube that transports the sperm-containing fluid called semen.The seminal vesicles produce a yellow seminal fluid ,which forms 60 % of the volume of semen. The prostate gland secretes a slightly alkaline fluid that forms part of the seminal fluid.The penis is made up of two parts :the shaft (main part) and the glans (tip).At the end of the glans is a small slit or opening ,which is where semen and urine exit the body through the urethra.

Female reproductive system:-

The female reproductive system consists of the veagina ,the uterus ,the fallopian tubes, and the ovaries. The vagina opening is a muscular tube,around 7.5 cm long ,that extends from the vaginal opening and connects with the uterus, or womb ,at the cervix .The two fallopian tubes,each attached to a side of the uterus,connect the uterus to the ovaries. The ovaries are two oval -shaped organs that lie to the upper right and left to the uterus.They produce, store and release eggs into the fallopian tubes in a process called ovulation. When sperm is deposited in the vagina, it travels through the cervix and into the fallopian tubes ,where it may fertilise the egg.

what happens to the “new life” after conception?

Within 24 hours of Being fertilized ,the zygote,starts dividing very fast into many cells. It keeps dividing, as it moves slowly through the fallopian tube to the uterus. Approximately four days after fertilization, the zygote has about 100 cells and is called a blastocyst.When the blastocyst reaches the uterine lining, it floats there for about two days and finally implements itself in the uterine wall.This happens around six days after fertilization and also signals the beginning of pregnancy.
The implemented blastocyst continues developing in the uterus for about nine months .As the baby grows, the uterus stretches ,until it’s about the size of a basketball.

How does the embryo develop inside the mother’s womb?

The word”embryo “ refers to the growing organism from the second to the eight week of its life. The placenta, a special organ of interchange, begins to grow between the embryo and the uterus. The placenta allows the embryo to observe food and oxygen from mother’s blood and to eliminate carbon dioxide and other waste from its own blood. During the second month, the embryo starts to develop a recognizable face, as well as arms ,legs ,fingers, and toes, and gradually enters the stage of being called a “fetus “(from the third month of its life to the moment of birth).

How does the fetus develop?

By the end of the third month, the fetus gets its major internal organs, and its nails begin to grow. External ears,eyelids and permanent teeth buds also form.By the fourth month, the external genitals are visible and hair begins to appear all over the body. By the 6th month, the centre of Brain which control breathing begin to develop. By the 40th week, the fetus is nature and ready to born. During natural childbirth, the baby (usually) presses its head on the cervix, which begins to widen until it dilates enough for the baby to push out of the uterus through the vagina.

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